Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Medical Monitoring?
  2. Do I have to participate in the program?
  3. What does the Medical Monitoring Program (MMP) Provide?
  4. What Health Conditions Will Be Monitored in this Medical Monitoring Program?
  5. Will I Have to Fill Out Paperwork?
  6. Where do I go to get tested?
  7. When will testing begin?
  8. How can I schedule a time for testing?
  9. What Types of Tests Will I Undergo?
  10. Will My Blood Be Tested for PFOA?
  11. Do I need to fast before I get my blood drawn?
  12. Who Will Pay for the Examination and Testing?
  13. What Happens if I Get An Abnormal Test Result or an Abnormal Exam Finding?
  14. Will the program cover my follow up Doctor’s appointments and care if I become sick?
  15. Will the Medical Monitoring Program Maintain A Medical Record for Me and Will It Be Protected?
  16. Will the Data from the Medical Monitoring Program Be Reported?
  17. How often will the testing be offered?
  18. Will I Receive a reminder each year to schedule for testing?
  19. If I do not participate in the testing for a year, will I lose my eligibility to participate in the Program?
  1. What is Medical Monitoring?

    Medical monitoring is a form of surveillance that consists of repeated, non-invasive testing intended to detect specific changes in a patient that could indicate the need for further investigation. This medical monitoring program was created under a settlement between St. Gobain, Honeywell and 3M and claimants who drank water that was contaminated with perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in Hoosick Falls, New York.


  2. Do I have to participate in the program?

    No. Participation in the MMP is voluntary.  In order to be eligible for the initial program incentive payment of $100, you must participate in the first round of testing. 


  3. What does the Medical Monitoring Program (MMP) Provide?

    The MMP provides an annual survey, a limited physical examination, and clinical laboratory tests directed at useful “biomarkers” of disease processes known to be altered by PFOA exposure.  There is also an initial measurement of serum PFOA and follow up every two years. The Hoosick Falls MMP provides 10 years of medical monitoring, and the Petersburgh MMP provides 15 years of medical monitoring.


  4. What Health Conditions Will Be Monitored in this Medical Monitoring Program?

    Breast feeding (women only)

    • Optional one time consultation per pregnancy with a physician to discuss concerns about breast feeding


    • Kidney cancer
    • Testicular cancer (men only)

    Hypertensive disorders related to pregnancy (women only)

    • One time consultation per pregnancy with physician for hypertension associated with pregnancy (also known as preeclampsia and eclampsia)

    Lipid abnormalities - cholesterol level

    Liver function abnormalities

    Thyroid disease

    Ulcerative colitis

    Uric acid abnormalities

    • Hyperuricemia
    • Gout


  5. Will I Have to Fill Out Paperwork?

    Yes. Each MMP participant will be asked to complete an Initial Informational Survey and an Annual Informational Survey. The Initial Informational Survey will be provided after you have made an appointment for your initial screening consultation and must be completed before your appointment. The Annual Informational Survey will be provided after you have made your yearly surveillance appointment and must be completed before your appointment.


  6. Where do I go to get tested?

    Testing will be conducted at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center, COVID Resource Center, 982 Mansion Drive, Bennington, VT 05201.


  7. When will testing begin?

    Testing will begin in November of 2022, with appointment scheduling to start in October. You are not eligible to schedule an appointment unless you receive a letter from the Medical Monitoring Administrator. You can also call the Medical Monitoring Administrator's office at 1-877-2291937 for further assistance. 


  8. How can I schedule a time for testing?

    You are not eligible to schedule an appointment unless you receive a letter from the Medical Monitoring Administrator. Once you receive a letter, you can schedule an appointment online at  You can also call the Medical Monitoring Administrator’s office at 1-877-229-1937, and they can assist you in scheduling your appointment.


  9. What Types of Tests Will I Undergo?

    Upon consent, each MMP participant undergoes a physical examination that includes the health care provider obtaining height, weight, and blood pressure as well as calculating body mass index (BMI). Participants will also undergo a blood draw and urine collection. Pregnant participants can also receive an additional blood pressure evaluation at the time of any counseling for pregnancy-associated hypertension. With regard to male participants age fifteen or older, scrotal evaluation is an option if the participant wants it. It is important to note that all screening measures are optional, and a participant can opt to decline any portion or all of the examination as well as any or all testing.


  10. Will My Blood Be Tested for PFOA?

    Yes. Upon consent, each MMP participant will have his or her blood tested for total serum PFOA at the commencement of the program. After the initial serum PFOA test, each patient will have his or her blood tested for PFOA every two years for the duration of the medical monitoring program.


  11. Do I need to fast before I get my blood drawn?

    No. One of the tests for lipids can be slightly more accurate when you are fasting.  However, you do not need to fast in order to participate.


  12. Who Will Pay for the Examination and Testing?

    The testing and examination in the medical monitoring program is paid for with the settlement funds. You do not need to pay for any of the examination or any of the testing you undergo as part of the MMP.


  13. What Happens if I Get An Abnormal Test Result or an Abnormal Exam Finding?

    You will be provided with any abnormal test results and exam findings. If you get an abnormal test result or an abnormal exam finding and you consent, it will be sent to your primary care physician who can then work with you to determine the appropriate follow up, including referrals to specialists.


  14. Will the program cover my follow up Doctor’s appointments and care if I become sick?

    No, the MMP only provides for medical monitoring. The cost of the follow up care is not covered by the settlement or the MMP.


  15. Will the Medical Monitoring Program Maintain A Medical Record for Me and Will It Be Protected?

    All records will be maintained by the healthcare providers and facilities that see you in accordance with the recordkeeping practices of the facility or the provider and applicable state and federal laws. Your health information will not be disclosed to anyone other than the Medical Monitoring Administrator to the extent it is required for him to fulfill his obligations as Administrator without your consent. You will be able to request and obtain your medical record.


  16. Will the Data from the Medical Monitoring Program Be Reported?

    The Medical Monitoring Administrator will collect data from the healthcare providers that will be disclosed annually to you and other MMP participants in the form of an Annual Participant Report. The Report will contain only the participation rates and the median, mean and average serum PFOA level of participants as a whole in a given reporting year and the percentage change in such level since the prior reporting year. It will not identify any participants individually.


  17. How often will the testing be offered?

    The physical examination and accompanying clinical tests are offered every year, and the PFOA serum blood testing is offered every two years.


  18. Will I Receive a reminder each year to schedule for testing?

    Yes.  You will receive a reminder letter from the Program every year to schedule your Medical Monitoring Appointment.


  19. If I do not participate in the testing for a year, will I lose my eligibility to participate in the Program?

    No.  You are eligible to participate in the MMP for the duration of the program.  If you choose not to test in a given year, you will remain eligible in subsequent years.
